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Korana Marović

Korana Marović

content kreator, Youtuber i community manager

"Efekte Bio Strath sirupa osjetila sam već nakon nekoliko tjedana. Dobila sam val energije koji je trajao tijekom dana, što mi je posebno bitno u proljeće kada sam nerijetko "žrtva" tipičnog proljetnog umora. Obožavam što on pospješuje unošenje nutrijenata iz hrane i ostalih suplemenata, s obzirom na to da živim poprilično stresno i užurbano, a pritom sam i veliki pobornik suplemenata za zdravlje i ljepotu. Ipak, najdraža Strathova "funkcija" mi je to što nakon neprospavane noći uz samo jednu jušnu žlicu sirupa imam energije cijeli dan i ne spava mi se - što s nijednim suplementom dosad nisam osjetila. Toplo preporučujem!"

Mina Morrgan

međunarodno certificirana učiteljica joge, učiteljica tehnike mindfulness i vlasnica No Stress centra

"Učenje joge i drugih tehnika opuštanja, kao i cjeloživotno istraživanje ljudske prirode, za mene su veliki izazov. Zato se trudim da imam dovoljno energije za sebe i svoje klijente. U centru NO stress, koji je postao moj drugi dom, kao i u pokretu, uvijek imam pri ruci pločice Raw Bite jer predstavljaju brz, jednostavan i zdrav međuobrok koji me puni energijom. Na taj način održavam pozitivan odnos prema svom tijelu, duši i prema svojim klijentima. Energiju trebam i za istraživanje i stjecanje novih znanja. "

Mina Morrgan
Dorijan Elezović

Dorijan Elezović

Novinar, TV voditelj, PR manager, Zagreb

"Posljednjih mjeseci sam puno radio. Tempo je bio prilično naporan, ali kad imate energije onda ga manje osjetite. Važno je da njegujete svoj imunitet jer on osnažuje i vaše tijelo i vaš um. Iza mene je prva zima bez ijedne prehlade i viroze, a Strath nastavljam uzimati i u proljeće kako bih pokazao zube svim virusima koji nas gnjave."

Sandro Gulja

stamina trainer and lecturer at the Croatian Olympic Academy & at the Sports School, Rijeka

"I recommend the RAWBITE energy bars and coco juice, the natural isotonic potion, to my athletes and to everyone else. I could easily write a book about the advantages of these two products, but in brief: for good sports results it is important to hydrate, as well as to eat natural energy sources. Therefore, RAWBITE and coco juice are invaluable products and my entire family loves them, as well as myself. What I have noticed is that I can deal a lot easier with my everyday activities, that my concentration and focus is better and throughout the day I get less tired or exhausted"

Sandro Gulja
Davor Rostuhar

Davor Rostuhar

travel book writer, photographer & adventurer

"For fifteen years I dreamed my polar dream, and then worked for three years actively to prepare myself for the "First Croatian Expedition to the South Pole". 1200 kilometres were waiting for me as well as about 50 days through one of the most extreme environments in the world. All I needed to survive I had to drag behind me on a sledge that had 137 kilograms at the start. Every piece of food I had was supposed to give me enough energy and it had to be delicious. That is why I took Rawbite bars with me - I knew I could rely on them. They helped me to become the 26th person in history who went from the coast of Antarctica all the way to the South Pole, alone and without any help. Everything I had intended to use I had to carry with me. There were no supplies left somewhere to be picked up, or a car supporting me. There was absolutely no external energy I could use - I was relying only on the strength of my arms, fed with Rawbite bars."

Svjetlana Blažević

musician, aroma therapist, shiatsu therapist, Split

"I live in Split and during the day I spend a lot time outside. My skin is very sensitive, hyper-pigmented and prone to allergies. It was difficult to find a product that could properly protect me from the sun. I am a great lover of natural and organic cosmetics and I carefully read the declarations on the labels. I tried BIOSOLIS milk for face and body. My skin did not react, on the contrary, I was thrilled with the texture and the feeling of my skin and the knowledge that finally I could relax in the sun. Now I use SPF 15 during winter, too. It is important for me to find a product that meets my high criteria, contains no harmful ingredients and has not been tested on animals." 

Svjetlana Blažević
Suzana Rudak

Suzana Rudak

key customer manager, Split

"I just love the all-flavour RAWBITE energy bars. Because of my metabolic disorder which results in hypoglycaemia, I pay a lot of attention to what I eat and when I eat it. In order to be able to work all day I have to follow a strict diet rhythm. RAWBITE is of great help, it is something like as a small magic bite I have with me all the time. Natural ingredients and no added sugar – it fits perfectly into my diet, especially to eat it on the move and when I am exposed to greater physical effort. Also, I like something sweet after lunch and dinner, so Fiordifrutta fruit spreads are just perfectly fit my diet programme."

Katja Bizjak

life & business coach, Ljubljana

"I work with people every day, and I need a lot of energy for that. So, when I need to quickly gain some energy I like to eat dried fruits and hazelnuts. RAWBITE is a great combination because this bar contains everything. That is why I always have one in my bag. A great solution for people living a busy life. I have a special ritual with the coco juice drink. Every time I pass by the store shelves with health foods I take one coco juice, drink it immediately and then I watch my body cells become happy again."


Katja Bizjak
Richard Pavlić

Richard Pavlić

Catholic priest and theologian, Senj

"I eat fruit every day, usually in the morning as well as during the day as a snack. RAWBITE bars are an ideal solution when I am in the office or on the road. A healthy and easy digestive meal, very tasty and full of energy. My favourite appetizers are apple-cinnamon, vanilla-berry fruit and Indian nuts."

Berislav Sokač

cofounder of the Run Croatia Project - World Marathon Majors Finisher, Zagreb

"Long-distance running is an extremely demanding sports discipline. For many years I have been consuming the RAWBITE energy bars and organic coco juice. I do not take any other supplements. When I started the Run Croatia project, the idea was to offer to the runners who come to Run Croatia Racing the same quality of service I would personally require. I am immensely grateful to the A1 Team for providing these two products to Run Croatia."

Berislav Sokač

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