
I grew up in an entrepreneurial family, where everyone was working and still does. It is probably part of my genetics, part of the environment in which I was raised and it is due to my parents and relatives, too. But in the end, it was my choice. As a girl I was dreaming of becoming the president of a multinational company - I called that manager. While my peers played outside, I rather spent my free time in my parents’ company, working, learning, and gaining experience. That was my playing time. And when the time came, I enrolled at the study of economics.

Thanks to the experience gained in our family business, in 2008 I started my own company with my first partner, and in 2016 I became a bit wiser and decided to start my own journey - I founded A1 and worked on my ideas, searched for partners, manufacturers and customers who appreciate quality, origin and ecology. During my twenty years of work I have developed a passion for searching for innovative products. I found it fascinating when these products are also simple because I believe that true beauty lies in simplicity. The result is every product in the range that we offer. Together with my team, I find and decide what we will present to the market. Of course, everything we offer to our customers, we use ourselves. It is a great pleasure for us to win a new customer, who may be in doubt at the beginning the usefulness of healthy and ecological products – that this customer discovers that something healthy can also be tasty.

My story does not end with me being a chairperson of a large multinational company. I went a step further. I am happy because I am working and making my dream come true. I run my own business, I create value with people with whom I share the same values ​​and passion for a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for your trust - enjoy the products we have chosen for you.

Staša Brozina, founder of the A1 Company

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